116 DEVON DR,,Clearwater Beach, FL 33767

$ 4,575,0004beds3full baths1half bath
    116 DEVON DR,,  Clearwater Beach, FL 33767
    MLS #:U8232009
    Price:$ 4,575,000
    Baths:4 Baths (3 F, 1 H)
    Type:Single Family

    Ever Engaging Panorama of The Full Breadth Of The Clearwater Beach Intracoastal Harbor...

    I Am Poised At Their Postcard Perfect Picture Window Both Symmetrically Square And Rectangular All At Once..This Window Frames An Ever Engaging Panorama of The Full Breadth Of The Clearwater Beach Marina, And The Intracoastal Waterway As It Descends Into Clearwater Harbor With The Full Might Of The Entire Clearwater Causeway Before You. The Seller Is Right, The View Of The Charters And Yachts Prevails Throughout The Day, While The Night Embraces The Soft Glow Of The Aforementioned Causeway, As Its’ Lights Glisten Into A Tranquil Amber Colored Water Movement. I Am Reminded That I Am Less Than A Blocks Walk To The Number 1 Ranked Beach Within The Continental United States. This Modern Residence Has Been Wholly Rebuilt, Reconfigured And Thoughtfully Reinvented. From Its Very Entry Forward Find An Exquisite Palette Of Legendary Lighting, Luxuriant Plank Flooring, Remarkable Ironwork, Custom And Seamless Handcrafted Hafele Kitchen Cabinetry, World Worthy Integrated Dacor Appliances, Quartz Counters, Marble, Quartz, & Porcelain Tiled, Textiled And Textured Baths. A Two Story Great Room Opens To This No Show Kitchen And Dining Room While An Outdoor Loggia Terrace Runs The Entire Length Of This Floor, Which Houses The Primary Suíte With It’s’ Own Spa Bath, And Volume Walk-In Closet Fully Built Out. There Are Two Additional Entertaining & Gathering Áreas On This Level. The Upstairs Offers An Additional 3 Bedrooms(2 Of Which Share An Elongated Balcony)With One As A Secondary Suite With En-Suite, And A Lounging/TV Venue. A Prolific Downstairs Proffers A Mega Bônus Recreational Arena With Immediate Access To The Waterside Pool, And Dock. An Ample Garage & Circular Driveway Complete The Resume Of This Exceptional South Clearwater Beach Modern Manse. I await our time together in the Clearwater Beach sun.
    Mortgage Calculator
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    *Rates for December 2024. Information displayed is accurate as of the date of the latest update and is subject to change without notice. Loan pricing can only be locked through a home mortgage consultant. Other restrictions may apply. The Rate/APR and other terms may vary from those displayed based on the creditworthiness of the borrower, the type of dwelling, whether the borrower is self-employed, the location of the property and other factors. Please contact a lender in your area to determine what rates you qualify for.

    **Rates calculated from national averages.  To determine rates in your area please contact your local lender.

    Local Schools

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    Data provided by GreatSchools.org ©2023. All rights reserved.

    About Rafal

    With sales exceeding Eight Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($850,000,000) between 2005 - 2024, I feel I have an insightful perspective on advertising, marketing and showcasing waterfront and unique inland properties in the Clearwater Beach, Belleair and Sand Key areas. My firm commitment to selling your property includes advertising in the Tampa Bay area’s most prestigious magazines and newspapers including The Dupont Registry (local & national), Luxury Homes, House & Homes, View Tampa Bay, The St. Petersburg Times and The Belleair Bee. Utilizing Virtual Slide Shows of every listing has greatly contributed to my success in selling real estate by reaching individuals throughout the world. I maintain a national and international marketing presence to ensure maximum exposure of my listings and to capitalize on emerging markets that are just discovering the West Coast of Florida. Whether Buying or Selling, if I may be of assistance to You, please contact me at 727-424-4629 (cell phone) or e-mail me at: rafalwazio@yahoo.com

    Thank You


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    Rafal Wazio

    Coldwell Banker

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    Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770

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